Finish the Sentence- Less Content but More [what]?

1 min readJun 7, 2021


from giphy
  • Spend more time optimizing existing content than creating new content. The algorithm is steadily changing to favor actual experts, and content delivery and distribution are playing as big a role in the value of content as the content itself.

The composition of the content marketing team is changing. Content marketing teams in the future will have access to more resources and talent than we’ve ever had

  • Immediacy: providing priority access or immediate delivery
  • Personalization: content tailored just for you
  • Interpretation: providing support, guidance, and context in understanding a given area
  • Authenticity: real advice from real people
  • Accessibility: content that can be accessed when and where you want it
  • Embodiment: content delivered in the form you want it
  • Findability: filtering out irrelevant content

This information was summarized by wipshot: a platform accessible where and when you want it for reviewing, proofing, and streamlining your workflow for videos and images.

Communicating feedback takes time, which is why lots of people find it hard to give it at all.

That’s why we want to empower a new way to communicate creative contents; to mark up directly on the frame and pinpoint visually in relation to your feedback. If that doesn’t cut it, just voice-note your feedback laying in your bed or on the beach.

Save yourself from the never-ending cycle of downloading-opening-viewing-emailing. Do it all on wipshot for free! Platforms aren’t just functional, they’re a form of self-expression. Communicate smart.

Information Credit: Janessa Lantz




Written by wipshot

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